Accelerated digital transformation
It’s time to step up the game!

‘Digital Transformation’ it’s that inspirational subject written about in a multitude of books and blogs for more than a decade, containing captivating stories and examples on how traditional companies got disrupted, or worse. How once-successful companies such as Free Record Shop completely vanished because they did not grasp the full potential and the speed of the digital age.
To contrast with these failures, success stories of digital-native companies such as Uber, Airbnb, and Amazon are being told to keep the positive vibe. But let’s not forget the companies that existed for a long time also embraced their digital potential with great success. IKEA for example, has been around since 1943 and is still very successful, including digitally, or what about Netflix that started out as a ‘video-by-mail’ service?
The books and blogs continue to explain methodologies on how to transform digitally. Sometimes the approach is academic, and often it’s based on experience.
Despite the plethora of how-tos, we can observe that many organizations and companies are still heavily paper-driven.
Formica, believes it’s time to accelerate the digital transformation!
That is why we (Formica NV) decided to add Google Cloud to our portfolio.
Formica is an expert in designing, building, and supporting tailor-made solutions. The Google technologies that match our expertise are onboarded in our portfolio. Google technologies such as App Engine and Cloud Run are a faster alternative to hosting applications on virtual machines in a data center. To make the work of users easier, we will integrate Google AI services into the applications we build. Google AppSheet and Apps Script will be used for the functionality that can be realized with no-code and low-code.
Formica joined the GC innovate community at the ‘Cronos Group’ bringing all the Google expertise together. We are strongly convinced that all our competences combined will help you to accelerate your digital transformation.
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